Critic Networks

Specific models that can serve as critic networks for RL agents



 RNNWrapper (rnn_cell_class, *args, **kwargs)

*Base class for all neural network modules.

Your models should also subclass this class.

Modules can also contain other Modules, allowing to nest them in a tree structure. You can assign the submodules as regular attributes::

import torch.nn as nn
import torch.nn.functional as F

class Model(nn.Module):
    def __init__(self) -> None:
        self.conv1 = nn.Conv2d(1, 20, 5)
        self.conv2 = nn.Conv2d(20, 20, 5)

    def forward(self, x):
        x = F.relu(self.conv1(x))
        return F.relu(self.conv2(x))

Submodules assigned in this way will be registered, and will have their parameters converted too when you call :meth:to, etc.

.. note:: As per the example above, an __init__() call to the parent class must be made before assignment on the child.

:ivar training: Boolean represents whether this module is in training or evaluation mode. :vartype training: bool*



 BaseApproximator ()

Some basic functions for approximators



 BaseApproximatorMLP ()

Some basic functions for approximators



 RNNMLPHybrid (RNN_input_size:int, MLP_input_size:int|None,
               output_size:int, num_hidden_units_RNN:int,
               hidden_layers_RNN:int, hidden_layers_MLP:List[int],
               drop_prob:float, batch_norm:bool, init_method:str)

A hybrid model combining an RNN and an MLP



 BaseApproximatorRNN ()

Some basic functions for approximators



 MLPStateAction (input_shape:Union[Tuple,List[Tuple]], output_shape:Tuple,
                 hidden_layers:list, activation:str='relu',
                 drop_prob:float=0.0, batch_norm:bool=False,
                 init_method:str='xavier_uniform', use_cuda:bool=False,

Multilayer perceptron model for critic networks that take both states and actions as inputs to output the q-value

Type Default Details
input_shape Union number of features
output_shape Tuple number of outputs/actions
hidden_layers list list of number of neurons in each hidden layer
activation str relu
drop_prob float 0.0 dropout probability
batch_norm bool False whether to apply batch normalization
final_activation str identity whether to apply ReLU activation to the output
init_method str xavier_uniform Parameter for initialization
use_cuda bool False handled by mushroomRL, not used here
dropout bool False legacy parameter to ensure compatibility, use drop_prob instead



 MLPState (input_shape:Tuple, output_shape:Tuple, hidden_layers:list,
           activation:str='relu', drop_prob:float=0.0,
           batch_norm:bool=False, final_activation:str='identity',
           init_method:str='xavier_uniform', use_cuda:bool=False,

Multilayer perceptron model for critic networks that take both states and actions as inputs to output the q-value

Type Default Details
input_shape Tuple number of features
output_shape Tuple number of outputs/actions
hidden_layers list list of number of neurons in each hidden layer
activation str relu
drop_prob float 0.0 dropout probability
batch_norm bool False whether to apply batch normalization
final_activation str identity whether to apply ReLU activation to the output
init_method str xavier_uniform Parameter for initialization
use_cuda bool False handled by mushroomRL, not used here
dropout bool False legacy parameter to ensure compatibility, use drop_prob instead



 MLPActor (input_shape:Tuple, output_shape:Tuple, hidden_layers:list,
           activation:str='relu', drop_prob:float=0.0,
           batch_norm:bool=False, final_activation:str='identity',
           init_method:str='xavier_uniform', use_cuda:bool=False,
           dropout:bool=False, **kwargs)

Multilayer perceptron model for critic networks that take both states and actions as inputs to output the q-value

Type Default Details
input_shape Tuple number of features
output_shape Tuple number of outputs/actions
hidden_layers list list of number of neurons in each hidden layer
activation str relu
drop_prob float 0.0 dropout probability
batch_norm bool False whether to apply batch normalization
final_activation str identity whether to apply ReLU activation to the output
init_method str xavier_uniform Parameter for initialization
use_cuda bool False
dropout bool False legacy parameter to ensure compatibility, use drop_prob instead



 RNNActor (input_shape:List[Tuple], output_shape:Tuple,
           hidden_layers_RNN:int, num_hidden_units_RNN:int,
           RNN_cell:str='GRU', activation:str='relu', drop_prob:float=0.0,
           batch_norm:bool=False, final_activation:str='identity',
           init_method:str='xavier_uniform', use_cuda:bool=False,
           dropout:bool=False, input_shape_:List[Tuple]=None, **kwargs)

Multilayer perceptron model for critic networks that take both states and actions as inputs to output the q-value

Type Default Details
input_shape List input shape, must be exaclty as input shape into agent for mushroom_rl to work
output_shape Tuple number of outputs/actions
hidden_layers_RNN int number of initial hidden RNN layers
num_hidden_units_RNN int number of neurons in the RNN layers
hidden_layers_MLP List list of number of neurons in each hidden MLP layer, following the RNN layers
hidden_layers_input_MLP Optional None If a separate MLP is used for (potential) MLP input
RNN_cell str GRU RNN cell type
activation str relu
drop_prob float 0.0 dropout probability
batch_norm bool False whether to apply batch normalization
final_activation str identity whether to apply ReLU activation to the output
init_method str xavier_uniform Parameter for initialization
use_cuda bool False
dropout bool False legacy parameter to ensure compatibility, use drop_prob instead
input_shape_ List None input shape for composite spaces



 RNNStateAction (input_shape:List[Tuple], output_shape:Tuple,
                 hidden_layers_RNN:int, num_hidden_units_RNN:int,
                 RNN_cell:str='GRU', activation:str='relu',
                 drop_prob:float=0.0, batch_norm:bool=False,
                 init_method:str='xavier_uniform', use_cuda:bool=False,
                 dropout:bool=False, input_shape_:List[Tuple]=None,

Multilayer perceptron model for critic networks that take both states and actions as inputs to output the q-value

Type Default Details
input_shape List input shape, must be exaclty as input shape into agent for mushroom_rl to work
output_shape Tuple Output shape
hidden_layers_RNN int number of initial hidden RNN layers
num_hidden_units_RNN int number of neurons in the RNN layers
hidden_layers_MLP List list of number of neurons in each hidden MLP layer, following the RNN layers
hidden_layers_input_MLP Optional None structure of MLP to speratly process non-RNN input
RNN_cell str GRU RNN cell type
activation str relu
drop_prob float 0.0 dropout probability
batch_norm bool False whether to apply batch normalization
final_activation str identity whether to apply ReLU activation to the output
init_method str xavier_uniform Parameter for initialization
use_cuda bool False
dropout bool False legacy parameter to ensure compatibility, use drop_prob instead
input_shape_ List None input shape for composite spaces
import mushroom_rl