Base agents

Base agent that all agents shall inherit from



 BaseAgent (environment_info:ddopai.utils.MDPInfo,
            agent_name:str|None=None, receive_batch_dim:bool=False)

Base class for all agents to enforce a common interface. See below for more detailed description of the requriements.

Type Default Details
environment_info MDPInfo
obsprocessors list[object] | None None default is empty list
agent_name str | None None
receive_batch_dim bool False

Important notes:

Agents are, next to the environments, the core element of this library. The agents are the algorithms that take actions in the environment. They can be any type of algorithms ranging from optimization, supervised learning to reinforcement learning and any combination. Key for all the different agents to work is a common interface that allows them to interact with the environment.

Draw action:

  • The draw_action function is the main interface with the environment. It receives an observation as Numpy array and returns an action as Numpy array. The function draw_action is defined in the [`BaseAgent`]( and should not be overwritten as it properly applies pre- and post-processing (see below).

  • Agents always expect the observation to be of shape (batch_size, observation_dim) or (batch_size, time_dim, observation_dim) to allow batch-processing during training. Most environment do not have a batch dimension as they apply the step function to a single observation. Hence, the agent will by default add an extra dimension to the observation. If this is not desired, the agent has an attribute “receive_batch_dim” that can be set to True to tell the agent that the observation already has a batch dimension.

  • To create an agent, the function draw_action_ (note the underscore!) needs to be defined that gets the pre-processed observation and returns the action for post-processing. This function should be overwritten in the derived class.

observation pre-processors and action post-processors:

  • Sometimes, it is necessary to process the observartion before giving it to the agent (e.g., changing shape) or to process the action before giving it to the environment (e.g., rounding). To ensure compatibility with mushroom_rl, the pre-processors sit with the agent (they must be added to the agent and are applied in the agent’s draw_action() method). The post-processors sit with the environment and are applied in the environment’s step() method.

  • To differenciate the pre-processors here from the pre-processors used directly inside mushroom_rl, we call them obsprocessors, short for observation pre-processors.

  • During definition, one can already add the obsprocessors as lists (to the argument obsprocessors). After instantiation, processors are to be added using the add_obsprocessor method.

  • Note that processors are applied in the order they are added.


  • The [`run_experiment`]( in this library currently supports three types of training processes:
    • train_directly: The agent is trained by calling, Y) directly. In this case, the agent must have a fit function that takes the input and target data.
    • train_epochs: The agent is iteratively trained on the training data (e.g., via SGD). In this case, the function fit_epoch must be implemented. fit_epoch does not get any argument, rather the dataloader from the environment needs to be given to the agent during initialization. The agent will then call the dataloader interatively to get the training data.
    • env_interaction: The agent is trained by interacting with the environment (e.g., like all reinforcement learning agents). This case build on the Core class from MushroomRL.

Loading and saving:

  • All agents must implement a save and load function that allows to save and load the agent’s parameters. See the Newsvendor ERM and (w)SAA agents for examples of different ways to save and load agents.

Dymamic class loading:

  • This package allows to load agents dynamically with the [`select_agent`]( function that takes a string as input and returns the corresponding agent class. When creating new agents, make sure to add them to 10_AGENT_CLASSES.ipynb under the base agents folder with an appropriate name.



 BaseAgent.draw_action (observation:numpy.ndarray)

Main interfrace to the environemnt. Applies preprocessors to the observation. Internal logic of the agent to be implemented in draw_action_ method.

Type Details
observation ndarray
Returns ndarray



 BaseAgent.draw_action_ (observation:numpy.ndarray)

Generate an action based on the observation - this is the core method that needs to be implemented by all agents.

Type Details
observation ndarray
Returns ndarray



 BaseAgent.add_obsprocessor (obsprocessor:object)

Add a preprocessor to the agent

Type Details
obsprocessor object pre-processor object that can be called via the “call” method



 BaseAgent.train ()

Set the internal state of the agent to train



 BaseAgent.eval ()

Set the internal state of the agent to eval. Note that for agents we do not differentiate between val and test modes.



 BaseAgent.add_batch_dim (input:numpy.ndarray|dict[str,numpy.ndarray])

Add a batch dimension to the input array if it doesn’t already have one. This is necessary because most environments do not have a batch dimension, but agents typically expect one. If the environment does have a batch dimension, the agent can set the receive_batch_dim attribute to True to skip this step.

Type Details
input numpy.ndarray | dict[str, numpy.ndarray]
Returns numpy.ndarray | dict[str, numpy.ndarray]

source ()

Save the agent’s parameters to a file.



 BaseAgent.load ()

Load the agent’s parameters from a file.



 BaseAgent.update_model_params (default_params:dict, custom_params:dict)

override default parameters with custom parameters in a dictionary

Type Details
default_params dict
custom_params dict
Returns dict



 BaseAgent.convert_to_numpy_array (input:Union[numpy.ndarray,List,float,in

convert input to numpy array or keep as Parameter

Type Details
input Union